Thursday, January 29, 2009

Whatever it is, I will evaluate it with the extent of my intellect and objectivity

Dear Readers,

If I were any good at managing my earthly responsibilities, I would have the time to do some serious reflecting on these scholarly topics of interest to me:
  • The aesthetics of metal music
  • Being human and interacting with other humans
  • Beer
  • Discomfort: Our essential allergy
  • Local and family history
  • Responsible adulthood
And, of course, my greatest personal interest of the past year:
  • A Refutation of the Thesis that One Can Not Maintain Individuality while Cooperating within the Context of an Organization or Society
I doubt that I'll ever give these topics the time and effort that they truly deserve, but I'll probably take a few valiant stabs in the coming months.

In the meantime, I am delinquent on posting an update on my Florida trip. I have some photos to post that will lose significance unless I post them soon. Namely, the fact that I was frolicking with palm trees while my friends and loved ones huddled indoors wrapped in blankets. So, yes, I will get to that soon.

I also would like to post a link to a lovely video I found yesterday. It's a (probably famous) Groucho Marx clip which conjures oh, so many memories of fraternity brothers through the years:

Happy trails to you, dear reader, until we meet again.

Ralph, your working boy

1 comment:

  1. I am interested to read your reflection on the aesthetics of metal music. Maybe then, I will be able to appreciate it more, and it won't put me in a bad mood.
